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    Can Sustainability Be Achieved at Mega Sporting Events

    University: Regent College

    • Unit No: 1
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1559
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: CSE1SPX
    • Downloads: 699
    Question :


    • Analysing the impacts of festival and events upon natural systems and local communities and society and how they can be managed
    • Evaluating the impacts of festival and events upon local, regional and national economies and politics and the role of events and festivals in economic development


    • The capability to use appropriate planning techniques in order to manage the social, environmental and economic impacts of festival and events
    • The need to acknowledge the impacts of festival and events

    Assessment Methods

    Assessment 1 – An individual written report with 60% of assessing.

    Learning Outcomes – 1, 2 and 4

    Assessment 2 – Group presentation with 40% of assessing

    Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 4

    Word count – 1500 words

    Essay Question:  The sustainability of Mega Events is a 'myth'. Analyse this statement by comparing successes and failures of mega events worldwide.

    It is very evident by looking at the potential impacts which are both positive and negative on its host city. Apply academic resources for the evaluation of the impacts of events such as Olympics, World Cup or Eurovision to acknowledge your arguments about how cities deal with the aftermath of events of this scale.


    Note that most of journals are not specified event journals, relevant articles are included in most of them. An updated list of all tourism, hospitality and events related journals are provided to you which is mentioned below:

    • Current issues in Tourism
    • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
    • Environment and Planning D: society and space
    • Annals of Tourism Research
    • Social Policy and Development
    • Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change
    • Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education
    • Recreation Management
    • Sports Management
    • Leisure Studies
    • Leisure Management
    • Tourism Management
    • Tourism Geographies
    • Tourism Review
    • Tourism Studies Internet sources
    • Sociology

    Please make use of the available journals in order to have a more impactful report.

    Answer :


    Sustainability within mega sports events is an alarming concept which has come into consideration. The organisers of the event are seeking to create a green event and this is a problem while increasing sustainability. The Olympic games are one of the leading international sporting events that features winter and summer competitions and in this there are thousands of athletes across the world come together for participating. The Olympic games are known as the world's foremost sports competition and there are more than 200 countries which participate in this competition. Olympic games, athletic festivals that originated in Ancient Greece and these revived in the 19th Century. In the early stages games were officially limited to the competitors but now with amateur status and in the year 1980, there were several events opened to professional athletes. The Olympic games are open for all countries whether they are developing or developed countries. The Olympic movement includes sports federation and committees. The ancient Olympic games were athletic festivals that were organised in every four years. In the time of Zeus, this held between two city or states and kingdoms of Ancient Greece. Different developed as well as developing nations host mega sports events such as FIFA world cup, Common wealth games, Olympics games, etc. The following essay is based on the topic i.e. can sustainability be achieved at mega sporting events. This essay will include a thorough understanding of the Triple Bottom Line model.

    Sustainability is defined as the height or level of existence of anything. There is no single approach for defining sustainability. According to the commission of environment and development “ the sustainability development is defined as the development that leads in meeting the needs of present scenarios and not comprising the future needs. This includes combination of different factors such as economic growth, environmental protection and social progress. If the game organisations have to sustain for longer they must focus on these three factors. The Olympic movement is added to the games as this will help in making sustainable development. This includes developing of various policies and plans that support environmental cause through sportive activities. In the year 2013, Olympic games Impact study was developed (Milton, Cavill, and Bauman, 2019). There are basically three scopes of sustainability development including economic, environmental and socio cultural after analysing the effect of Olympics. The first Olympic games that was a clear environmental agenda was 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics. After analysing the impact of different games, an Event sustainability management system id developed which will provide an international, voluntary guideline for different types of events for achieving sustainability.

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    A triple Bottom Line model is important for analysing sustainability within mega sports events. According to this factor, there are three factors of conducting any Olympic event are economic, social and environmental. For sustaining in market for long, it is important to have financial aiding. It is important for every mega sporting event that it should focus on all three factors – planet, people and profit while organising various events. The aspect which is related to people deals with social factors and this aims for creating a strong civil society. The main objective of Sporting events is to maximise overall benefits and minimising negative social impact costs for people. According to the triple Bottom model, the second part focuses on the environmental issues and these are linked to the minimisation of waste. It is assured that the amount of resources must be controlled. Another component of this theory is economic nature that is related to a concept that it is essential for maintaining economic capital. This enhances efficiency of input and output cycle while emphasising on increase of financial revenues. 

    Positive and negative impact of Olympic games on the host city

    Different cities which host Olympics gain temporary jobs because of the improvement in infrastructure which benefits cities in future. This can be explained with an example, city naming Rio has constructed new hotel in order to provide accommodation to different tourists (Gaffney, 2016). Sochi has to invest an amount of more than $42.5 billion for constructing nonsports infrastructure in the Olympics 2014. Also, Beijing has also spent lot of money for constructing roads, rails and airports for sports people. Moreover, there are a lot of sponsors, media persons, athletes which travel form different countries and they stay in host country for six months or more, this brings an additional revenue. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks which are affected by the organisation of Olympics game. The Olympics has affected business and hosting countries like Olympics helps in doing business that is helpful in increasing sales, advertisements and reputation by sponsorships. Different companies, sponsorships and investors across the world focuses on Olympics for increasing profits and sales, hosting this game and providing benefits to businessman for increasing profits. While hosting Olympic games, there are different benefits for host country which are divided into long term as well as short term goals. There is economic development as free cash flow is there because of increase in visitors to the host country, official and athletes. The long term economic benefits by Olympics are creation of infrastructure. The host country in which Olympics is happening has to produce more products and services with quality as these products or goods are provided to international officials and athletes. There are some sponsors included in Olympics which consume commodities. The total amount of additional revenue is achieved from selling free samples goods and products. Olympics also helps in increasing possibilities of job. This is explained by an example the economic estimate in Atlanta and Georgia are states which organised Olympics and created employment for approximately seventy thousand employees (Hoff,s and Leopkey, 2019). The Olympics is also helpful in increasing food industry like bars, restaurants, cafes, etc. Increase in infrastructure leads to new opportunities for the construction industry too. There is positive impact of hosting Olympics is using media for releasing information regarding games.

    The negative impact of Olympic to the country includes downfall and risk in economic growth. It is a big responsibility to host Olympic Games and this is risk for economy as there is lot of money invested for organising event. There is no information about how many visitors are coming in game. This leads in risking funds and there is no backup plan if number of visitors from different country are less. There is focus on cleanliness of streets and city when this event happens. Money earned from visitors and tourists supports management of wastage. Countries have to invest lot of money for keeping cities clean and well presented at the time of Olympics. The main disadvantage of Olympics to the host country basically for poor countries or cities as waste of resources is used for corruption, welfare of citizens, benefits of meeting new business people but in all this poor people are the sufferers. The sporting events are just waste of money and resource. Countries can use this money for more productive work like improving infrastructure, providing proper education and curing malaria. Another negative impact of Olympics on host city is social impact and this is cumulative. These games affects increase of price such as land rental values. The negative impact of Olympic games is affected on transport infrastructure, housing, facilities and maintenance for meeting demands and requirements of international Olympic committee. This also helps in impressing public. In context of Olympics held at London, the estimated budget was more than the actual price incurred while implementing the project. Olympics held at Athens in the year 2004 was failed in motivating economic growth because of the lack of publicity or promotion. This country was under a lot of debt while organising Olympics.

    The UEFA provides an application for helping fans offset the carbon impact of the tournament. There are some football clubs around the world which are working upon reducing emissions and recycling waste. The main sustainable examples of Olympics is Tokyo's 2020 green Olympics (Pratt, and Chan, 2016). The theme of this Olympics is “be better, together” and this is organised by organising committee of 2020 Olympics japan. These games have made most sustainable games ever. There will be village developed for all athletes which is developed from local wood and event vehicle uses hydrogen fuel cells. Electricity will be provided from renewable sources like solar generation and 99% of work is done by using solar electricity. This is a big step towards sustainability of games. 


    From the above essay, it is concluded that Olympic games have both positive as well as negative impact on the hosting country. Olympic games are not only just games but they are included in political, social, economical aspects. There is inspiration for youth for seeing Olympic attraction as a tourist attraction. At the international level, Olympic games are an effective thing that helps in making a lot of money to economy. On the other hand, there is also negative impact of these sporting events on the economy and environment of host countries.

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